Today’s High Note–forgiveness and family




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It is not an easy word…an even harder task….to forgive.

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Myself, like over one billion Catholic Christians worldwide, are in the second week of Lent–the forty days before Easter and a time of prayer, sacrifice and penance.

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When asked what I believe is the thing that keeps our family together I consistently come back to this word.  

When my children spill juice on to the floor and it seeps in to the vent of the refrigerator,

I forgive.

When coats and shoes are everywhere, the dinner I slaved over is “gross” and husband is late,

I have to swallow hard and forgive.

When my girls roll their eyes and my son shakes his head “no” when asked to do a chore,

I close my own eyes, nod my own head and forgive.

When no one seems to be doing what I want them to do and I realize it is my own expectations of who I want them to be that are falling short,

I have to forgive.

I have to forgive, not because it is Lent or because it is what I am supposed to do.  I have found that forgiveness in a family is essential to our growth as individuals…it is a necessary freedom we give to one another that allows us to be who we are.

The word, that now hangs in our kitchen, means that I will not only forgive your faults,

but I will unconditionally accept you in your humanness—and hopefully you will

accept me in mine.
